How I Fought An Eviction and Won on Appeal, Part 3

My name is Christine Springer. I'm a paralegal and the owner/founder of Desert Edge Legal. I am responsible for the content in this post. Please note that I am not an attorney and I cannot give you legal advice. Please consult with an attorney to discuss your individual situation.

This is Part 3 of How I Fought an Eviction and Won on Appeal. You can read Part 1 and Part 2 if you haven't already.

In this post, I am sharing the BAC v. Springer decision from the Maricopa County Superior Court, which overturned the Justice Court's judgment of eviction.

This is a published decision, so it can be used to help other litigants.

It felt fantastic to win this case for two reasons: first, it happened right after Barbara Forde won the Steinberger case.

Second, when I saw this decision I got chills because it there were two very good decisions in a short period of time on different aspects of foreclosure and its aftermath.

And, it also seemed pretty obvious to me that the tide was turning. In early 2014, it seemed the Courts had grown tired of hearing the same cases over and over, with litigants saying the same thing over and over.

Anyway, here is the Appeal Decision in BAC v. Springer: