Planning for Default: 3 Strategies to Use Now

Even if we don’t go through a major foreclosure crisis, we’re still in a time of increased economic uncertainty.

Planning for Default: 3 Strategies to Use Now

Disclaimer: I’m a paralegal, not an attorney and cannot give you legal advice. Nothing on this website is meant to be legal advice, and there is no guarantee that the information on my blog will work for your individual situation. Please consult with an attorney if you have questions about your individual situation.

If this is your first visit to my website, welcome! My name is Christine Springer and I'm the founder of Desert Edge Legal Services and the author of the content on this site.

In my last post, I talked about emotionally preparing for default and possible foreclosure, and today I’m going to talk about how to prepare for what happens on the outside, in real life.

Our emotions will frequently influence what happens on the outside, so if your emotions are out of control, it makes the real life action steps more difficult.

Often, the fear makes the process way more intense than it needs to be. It's my personal opinion based on observation in my own life that everything right now is a psychological operation. It's asymmetrical warfare.

Things look like they're OK on the outside, right? Jobs data, inflation numbers, the stock market...all of that doesn't really show we're in a recession. Read or watch anything in the mainstream media and it paints a rosy picture.

Once you realize there's a massive psy-op, whether it's media or your own fear and insecurity, the intensity decreases.

We're fresh out of a pandemic. Things have dramatically changed. It makes sense that there will be some financial adjustments for many people.

Even if we don’t go through a major foreclosure crisis, we’re still in a time of increased economic uncertainty.

I mentioned also that for some people, it’s possible that losing your home is a liberation of sorts, from a home or lifestyle that you’ve learned you really don’t want to live. It might have nothing to do with affordability.

If this sounds crazy, I get it. I thought the same thing when was given that information. Nothing makes sense anymore, though. This is what I was talking about with judgments and assumptions that the old way is going to work or that a particular strategy is "bad."

Consider that the narrative overall is designed to program us to comply in one way or another. I talked about sovereignty recently, where WE decide what is best for us instead of being told what is best for us.

You might not agree with so-and-so but it's possible that they have proposed something that serves your best interest. You don't need to like them as a person in order to think your interests may align with them in some way.

It's really critical that you take a good look at what is going on and use everything to your advantage.

It turns out that many things I previously thought were horrible turned out to be really awesome in the end, with new possibilities and avenues I would have never thought if I had not creatively looked at the situation.

If you weren’t around for the last major recession and foreclosure crisis, there’s a good chance you know someone or several people who did experience losses during that recession. I went through all of this myself, so I’m not talking from a place of ignorance.

Just a reminder that I did a video on strategic default a long time ago, and those tips are STILL applicable. Please watch that video and further educate yourself on how to prepare for default.

It’s my intent that this information helps you get your own strategic plan together EARLY because that’s when you have the most options.

Here are three valuable strategies you can use right now for your home loan situation, or really any situation in your life:

#1. Step into your sovereignty. Own your situation and accept responsibility for it. You won't be able to change it until you get to a place of acceptance.

You may not be responsible for creating the problem but if you don't accept that it's a problem and participate in the process of moving through it, you won't be able to shift it.

The Bible uses the phrase "it came to pass" 453 times in the King James version.

Think about it: "It came to pass." It didn't come here to stay!

Don't hold onto it. Allow it to pass through your life.

The sooner you get to acceptance and let go of your resistance (anger, irritation, sadness, etc), the sooner you will find a solution.

You don't have to like the situation in order to accept it.

I often say, "OK God, I don't like this, but we'll do it your way."

#2. PLAN FOR DISRUPTIONS. I probably will write an entire separate post about this, because this is my #1 issue with resolution of things in my own life right now. It's irritating. Unfortunately, we can't do much to prevent disruptions. In my observations, if I am expecting disruptions, I am less frustrated by them.

Expect them, and you'll be in a position of responding instead of reacting. For me, this looks like getting things done early. Planning blogs and videos in advance. Do what you can do early and it won't be a problem if there are disruptions.

#3. Obstacles are just opportunities for innovation. If a particular way doesn't work, it may not be the right way. You'll need to use discernment here on whether to give up and try something else.

Often, there is another way that would work better for you. It might be something you haven't considered. It might be something you previously judged as "bad" or undesirable.

Stay tuned for the next post in this series! Also, please see my new foreclosure defense coaching program if you need support for the default and foreclosure avoidance process.

Read Part 2 in this series here.